
Hi, I'm Daniela.

Mindset & Connection Coach

Contact Daniela

Hi, I'm Daniela.

Mindset & Connection Coach

Contact Daniela

Hi, my name is Daniela Kämmerer.

Pathfinder, encourager, light-seeker, visionary.

How I found my way home

What has drawn me to horses since my earliest childhood is their silent invitation to genuine connection. The feeling of simply being allowed to be 'me' and receiving equally authentic reactions. People, on the other hand, seemed rather mysterious and difficult to grasp. The horses and their soft messages have stayed with me ever since. 

For as long as I can remember, I have felt on a mission to make our human world a better place for horses.

How? I have come to understand this better and better over the last 20 years, during which I have accompanied human-horse couples in many different ways. The key to me lies in the authenticity that horses invite us to experience. The feeling of being at home within ourselves, of feeling safe when we appear as ourselves.

On this basis, we can not only lead a fulfilled life, but also be in genuine and loving contact with our outside world. As if by magic, conflicts disappear into thin air - and not just between horse and human. Our horses invite us into harmony.

The journey that I was and am on in order to explore the horse-human connection as well as my own personal growth, and being on that above-mentioned mission has been as challenging as it is exhilarating. It reliably leads me in and out of all the limitations that I have seen for a long time - all the "but I have to ...", "I can't ... ", "I'm too small", "I'm not good enough" etc. - and more and more to myself and my potential.

How many external beliefs I have shed, how much self-confidence I have gained, how much inner peace and connection to my own feelings ... What a transformation. What an enrichment for my life! And for my contact with the horses.

This journey has been going on for over 20 years now. During this time I have gathered an enormous wealth of experience, worked with many hundreds of horse-human pairs and constantly added further knowledge, new training courses and new pieces of the puzzle: from riding theory, horsemanship and horse behavior studies to yoga and meditation, animal communication and energy work, mindset and life design coaching. - From science to spirituality and back to the tangible, down-to-earth.

I am passionate about supporting other people on their path. Not just to their horses, but to themselves. To come home to their own center, their peace, their strength. To live the life they really want to live. And to bring their own radiance into the world. Because I know that this will make it brighter for all of us. And for the horses, too.


Life is too short for a hindering self-image. 

„For me, it was always the horses. I was magically attracted to them. They were there for me. And've always wanted to be there for them. That's a big constant in my life. What incredible luck that I was able to make this my profession."

Some of the Teachers and Stages in my Life


My horsemanship offer originated in the year 2000.

2000: Start of mobile horse training (focus: behavior & communication, problem solving)

2001 - 2002: Living & working on a ranch in Oklahoma, USA

2004: Studied horse management in NL

2004 - 2009: Studied business administration (focus: languages, marketing, event management, horse management)

Mark Rashid as a source of inspiration: horsemanship as a philosophy

2009: My mare Diva comes into my life at the age of 1.5 years

2009 - 2012: Courses with Mark Rashid, USA: Riding (Aikido for Horsemen)

2009 - 2021: Marketing, brand management & business development in an advertising agency, in large publishing houses (ZEIT, Gruner + Jahr) and at the online yoga start-up YogaEasy

2013 - 2020: Accompanying & hosting courses with Amanda Barton, UK, assistant trainer to Mark Rashid

Yoga as a holistic system and the conscious management of the nervous system enriches my life and my work

2016: 200 h basic yoga teacher training at Flying Yogi, HH

2017 - 2020: advanced yoga teacher training "Svastha Yoga Therapy" with Dr. Günter Nielsen & Ganesh Mohan

2018 - 2020 - several online and live courses with Anna Marciniak (training and relaxation of horses and humans)

2019 - 2020 - ParaYoga Immersions with Rod Stryker, USA: Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yoga Philosophy

Coaching is added as the next "lever" for an even more holistic effect of my work and leads to a series of training and further education.

2020 - 2021 - Spirit Life Design coaching training with Gabriele Berliner & Pam Bensien (embodiment, tapping acupressure, emotional management, working with the inner child)

My skepticism towards animal communication gives way to absolute fascination.

2020 - "Horse whisperer" training with Catherin Seib (animal communication with a focus on horses)



2021 - Hosting of international online event "A horse is a horse, of course" with renowned horse experts on the topic of modern, empathic handling

2021-22 - Advanced coaching training with Jesse Johnson, USA

2022 - My daughter is born

2022 - 3 months coaching training with Peter Crone, The Mind Architect, USA, mindset and subconscious programming/inner-child work

2023-24 - various coaching trainings with Cathy Heller, USA - spiritual psychology, authentic and healing self- and business leadership

Since 2023 - 300 h Advanced Anusara Yoga Teacher Training with Kai Hill

Since 2024 - Systemic-integral coaching training with Paradigm (formerly UChange GmbH)


In addition:

Ongoing training and participation in workshops & trainings, e.g. by and with Elena Brower, Gabrielle Bernstein, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Martha Beck, Richard Schwartz (Internal Family Systems)



Since 2000 Coaching and mentoring of people with horses or horse-human couples on the subject of fine riding, horse behavior, problem solving, connection & communication and personal expression, on more and more levels

Since 2017 Offering "Yoga for riders" - online, offline, in workshops

Since 2020 Collaboration with renowned international horse behavior researchers and experts, such as Emily Kieson, Jessie Sams, Lucy Rees



Stay in touch.


I will be happy to send you regular inspiration, information and motivation for your path to yourself and your horse.