Ease, Clarity, and Confidence for Horse Owners


Click on the link below to be one of the first to know when the doors open to my brand new, groundbreaking program, Equestrian Compass. For the first time, I'm sharing the strategies, tools, and insights I've honed over two decades—the same ones that have yielded remarkable results for my one-on-one clients—in an accessible group format.

Equestrian Compass offers a transformative journey designed to deepen your connection with horses and yourself. You'll strengthen your intuition, build self-confidence, and unlock your innate intuitive abilities.

Join a supportive community of kindred spirits as you learn to perceive subtle energies, interpret messages, and forge a profound bond with your equine companions. This journey will connect you to your own heart, preparing you for an extraordinary adventure.

Discover your inner compass—your intuitive guidance system—and learn to trust it as a reliable guide. With this newfound clarity, inner peace, and ease, you'll be better equipped to face both small and large challenges in your equestrian life and beyond.



I support horse people in finding their own way to more ease, confidence and clarity - in their relationship with their horse, but also with the many issues they encounter as horse owners. Years of working with my clients and being a horse owner myself have shown me how challenging these can be - and how much space they can take up.

I have been supporting horse-human couples in their communication and connection for over 20 years: as a horse trainer, riding instructor, animal communicator, yoga teacher and coach for mindset, intuition and personal development.

Over the years, my work and also my personal life path have led me to the fine “compass” that we all carry within us and which supports us in walking our path with confidence, calm and clarity. - An absolute game changer for my dealings with horses!

The more I have learned to trust this inner guidance system, the more my horsemanship and my life have changed. I would never have thought it possible before how much confidence, clarity and ease I now have in life and in dealing with my horse. And a very special highlight: through this change, through being more “with myself”, my relationship with my horse has also deepened immensely.

Getting to know and applying this inner leadership system is therefore also an important pillar of my 1:1 coaching sessions. And one that my clients have also used to achieve impressive results and experiences.

For us horse owners in particular, it is so immensely important to make good decisions that we can stand by confidently and clearly. To be connected with ourselves. And to trust - ourselves and our horse.

I am delighted to be able to make the concrete and practical tools, knowledge and strategies that have been so helpful for myself and many of my 1:1 clients available to more people for the first time in a group experience.

See you in “Equestrian Compass”? I look forward to seeing you.

Yes, let me know when it starts!

"I have become clearer within myself and have found my inner center again. I have gained more inner peace and serenity.

Daniela has the gift of making unconscious patterns and blockages conscious with her loving guidance, which allows the full potential to unfold."


"With the help of Daniela's wonderfully holistic approach, I was able to dissolve old blockages and patterns and a new attitude to life took hold. My horse also felt this and wonderful changes in our relationship came about as if by magic. We are now more deeply connected than ever before.

Daniela has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience and can help you with so many questions and areas.”



“I have rediscovered the connection to animals and nature that had been lost in the hectic everyday life of recent years.”


"I found the guided meditation journeys particularly valuable, which always remained down-to-earth, did not force anything and yet led us into new regions of our feelings. My biggest "aha" experience was the unexpected expansion of my spirituality and my inner possibilities. A new window was opened a little, and I would never have believed that I "could" do that. By taking part, I have taken a big step on the path to connecting with myself and therefore also with my environment. I now have more confidence in myself to continue developing in this direction."


Ease, Clarity & Confidence for Horse Owners


Join the waiting list now and be one of the first to know when it starts!