€269,00 EUR

Business Breakthrough Session

Let's take two hours for your next breakthrough: We'll smooth out what you want to bring into the world next and how you'll do it concretely to achieve your goals.

Regardless of whether you already have a business of your heart or are still in the idea phase: I help you to clearly define what you want to bring into the world and to present it successfully and authentically to the outside world.

  • Do you want to clear up the chaos in your head?
  • Do you have an idea but don't know how to implement it?
  • Do you urgently need sales?
  • Don't know how to reach your target group?
  • Do you have a blockage and can't get any further?
  • Do you want new, fresh ideas for your business?
  • Do you need competent questions to round off your offer?
  • Would you like to set up or expand your online offering alongside your day-to-day business, but don't know where to start?

Then don't miss out on this opportunity and book an individual appointment for a coaching session with me!

Two hours just the two of us, so that you can find clarity and security and take the next step with calm and ease.

I am at your disposal with all my knowledge from over ten years of marketing and business development work in agencies and media companies and my more than 20 years of successful self-employment with my own heart business;

We can talk about your vision, your product, your mindset, your communication, your target group and your goals. And we can generate ideas, like in a kind of mini-workshop. Ideas that can not only reignite you for your wonderful calling, but can also make the decisive difference for your future.

This session can stand alone or be the start of a longer-term coaching collaboration, for which I will be happy to make you an offer afterwards if you wish and if it makes sense.

The session will take place online via Zoom. One of the advantages of this is that I can send you a recording of the session on request so that you can watch it again and again and take even more from it.

Client feedback:

Our conversation still resonates with me. At the moment, I can only imagine how many doors you helped me open today. I am very touched. Thank you for that. - Christiane

"Ms. Kämmerer used her outstanding marketing knowledge in an extremely targeted manner to generate maximum leads and conversions for our company. With her relevant experience in business development combined with her inexhaustible creative and market-oriented impulses (...), Ms. Kämmerer always thought outside the box, courageous and open to visions and innovations." - Henrike Fröchling, YogaEasy