
Mindset & Personal Development | Intuition | Horsemanship | Animal Communication  | Yoga

Harmony within.

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Mindset Coaching | Horsemanship | Animal Communication | Soulful Business Mentoring | Yoga

Harmony  within.

Your first step? Get information & inspiration that will help you on your way. Subscribe to my free newsletter.

Forget perfect Discover real.

- Because this is where your strength lies. And your peace of mind.


Find your way back to your authenticity and thus to inner peace, self-esteem, courage and fulfillment. The great thing is that this is the path that will also bring you closer to your horse and take your relationship to a new level. I'm honored to be your guide on this journey. It is a journey into a whole new way of understanding, thinking and feeling - are you ready?


The Latest

What's new around Body, Mind & Horses? Here are new offers, dates and content for you.

NEW PROGRAM: Clarity, Confidence & Ease through Inner Guidance

Do you want more inner peace, lightness and clarity when it comes to horse issues? An inner compass to show you the way? My brand new program "Equestrian Compass" is ready to help you find it - and use it.

Learn more

Interview about my business in the "wild & free" podcast

Three years ago, I left my office job for good and set up my own business as a connection coach for horse people. In this interview with Nadja Polzin (German, English subtitles available), I talk about my journey.

To the Interview

... it's not really about getting everything right, but about feeling really good?

Coaching: Mindset, Feel & Life Enhancement

Learn to consciously shape your life. Your thoughts are the biggest key to this. With my coaching, I help you recognize and change hidden patterns, release emotional and mental blockages and discover new perspectives. Together we will level up your inner strength, calm, clarity and self-esteem so that you can develop your full potential and enjoy a higher quality of life. My holistic approach combines modern mindset coaching with techniques from embodiment, yoga and meditation. Your horse is at our side as a valuable companion and guide.

1:1 Coaching Program "Connected" for Horse People

Experience a unique coaching program that will bring you and your horse to a new level of harmony and understanding. In an intensive, 3 to 6-month program, I will guide you step by step to a more inner center and serenity. Discover the transformative power of this coaching:

  • Inner center and harmony: Find inner balance and harmony in mind and body step by step.
  • Horse as co-coach: Experience your horse as a valuable co-coach for your personal development.
  • Deep understanding: Understand your horse better on all levels and take your relationship to a new level.
  • Inner peace and strength: Activate your inner peace, strength and clarity.
  • Free yourself from blockages: Free yourself from inner blockages, fears, insecurities, doubts and stress.
  • Presence and authenticity: Meet your horse and your environment with more presence and authenticity.
  • Lightness in the saddle: Enjoy a new lightness and joy on horseback.
  • Confident decisions: Make confident decisions for yourself and your horse.

My coaching offers you personal and intensive support via video call, individual materials and WhatsApp. A free and non-binding clarity call enables you to take the first step towards your transformation.

Start your journey to more inner peace and a deep connection with your horse now!

Find out more

1:1 Coaching Program "Root & Rise" for everybody

Experience a transformative coaching journey of three to six months that helps you become your own rock in the storm. Face the highs and lows of life with more inner peace, self-esteem, and courage.

  • Reconnect with your inner self and activate your inner peace, strength, and clarity.
  • Free yourself from blockages, fears, insecurities, doubts, and stress.
  • Learn to balance your nervous system through meditation and targeted exercises, and live more consciously and relaxed.
  • Approach your environment with more (self-)confidence, empathy, and authenticity.
  • Experience how your life changes and how much easier it feels when you view it from a new perspective.
  • This coaching program has nothing to do with horses and is therefore ideal for "non-horse people".
  • Enjoy 3 to 6 months of personal, intensive support online via video call and WhatsApp.

Schedule a free, non-binding clarity call and start your journey to a more fulfilling life.

Find out more

A horse next to you is like a big, strong friend who ceaselessly demands that you be a person who seeks what is true. It presses on your soul until you have recognized the light within you.

–Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling

A horse next to you is like a big, strong friend who ceaselessly demandsthat you be a person who seeks what is true. It presses on your soul until you have recognized the light within you.

- Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling

Animal Communication with Horses 

It feels almost otherworldly, what you can achieve with animal communication between horse and human. Nevertheless, a down-to-earth approach is important to me. I'm happy to help you understand your horse on a deeper level and find answers to your questions – regarding your horse's behavior, health, thoughts, and feelings and your relationship. For more closeness, calm, and clarity. 

Connection Reading

Entry-Level Offer


What makes the relationship between you and your horse unique? And how can it become even deeper? In this unique offer for horse owners and riding partners, you simply send me a photo of you and your horse. You will then receive an evaluation of the energy of your relationship, including opportunities for further development.

  • Understand the energy between you and your horse – and deepen your relationship.
  • Introductory offer to animal communication
  • Beautiful gift idea for all horse lovers
  • Directly online and without making an appointment.
  • Evaluation via voice message/audio file (approx. 3 – 4 min.)
  • Possible over any distance – no matter where you are in the world 
  • 100% credit towards the cost of the Connection Reading in the event of a subsequent horse consultation or 1:1 coaching session
Get your Reading

"Horse Talk" – An Animal Communication Session with your Horse


Are you concerned about your horse's behavior or his health? Are you wondering what you can do for your horse, what has brought you and your horse together or what it wants to 'tell' you? A "horse talk" session, i.e. a detailed animal communication session with your horse, can bring clarity, calm and more closeness.

  • Get answers to all your questions from your horse.
  • Find out what messages it has for you. 
  • Find out what your horse thinks and feels.
  • Find out what you can do to support your horse's health in the best possible way.
  • Possible over any distance – no matter where you are in the world 
  • We can have a "three-way conversation" (via phone or Zoom) or you send me your questions and I will connect with your horse alone and send you a comprehensive protocol.
Let's get started

Horsemanship is the art of mastering our own movements, thoughts, emotions and behavior.

Not the horse's.

– Mark Rashid

Client Testimonials


With the help of Daniela's wonderfully holistic approach, I was able to dissolve old blockages and patterns and a new attitude to life took hold. My horse also felt this and wonderful changes in our relationship came about as if by magic. We are now more deeply connected than ever before.


Daniela showed me that my desire to treat my horse lovingly and gently is not wrong and naive. That was a huge relief for me. So there are other ways than dominance and I can be my horse's friend. You don't always have to assert yourself and it makes sense to listen to your feelings. It makes sense to take your horse seriously and learn to read it. For me, this was the start of a wonderful journey. Daniela not only led me to my horse, but also more to myself.


Through the coaching with Daniela, I have become clearer in myself and have found my inner center again. I have gained more inner peace and serenity.

I can warmly recommend Daniela's coaching to anyone who is ready to embark on this path - not just horse people. Daniela has the gift of using her loving guidance to make people aware of unconscious patterns and blockages, allowing their full potential to unfold.

Thank you, dear Daniela, from the bottom of my heart for your being and your work.

Hi, I'm Daniela.

Mindset & Connection Coach, yoga and meditation teacher, animal communicator and holistic trainer of horse-human pairs with a wide range of qualifications and over 20 years of experience.

I know the horse world and the human world well enough to know: Harmony and joy with the horse is not to be found where it is often sought: in the pursuit of perfection, technical finesse and supposed ideals in a crazy and overburdened world.

Genuine connection and harmony reside on a deeper level. In an authentic encounter that begins with a connection to ourselves. Here lies the key to the balance we all long for.

My work is aimed at sensitive and committed (horse) people who are not satisfied with the fact that they themselves or their horse have to be a certain way in order to feel “right”. They want to understand their horse even better and sense that their connection goes beyond the visible level. And that it is worth listening at this level so that everything can feel even easier, more relaxed and better.

I believe the connection with our horses holds so much more potential than we realize: not just to grow together, but to grow together.

Are you curious about what there is to discover for you and your horse? How good and harmonious everything can feel when you meet authentically? Wonderful, then you've come to the right place. We meet online, in my hometown of Hamburg, Germany, and in workshops everywhere.  


Learn more

Horsemanship is the art of mastering our own movements, thoughts, emotions and behavior. Not the horse's.

– Mark Rashid


In my blog, I regularly share my thoughts, observations and insights about personal growth, yoga and the connection between horses and humans.

– Many more English language articles to come soon 

Soulful Business Mentoring

Bringing your heartfelt ideas into the world successfully and authentically - this is something that many self-employed people wish for, and yet it is not so easy as long as we stand alone. Helping you with this is something that gives me great pleasure and where I can draw on a wealth of experience: from my own 20 years of self-employment, but also from my more than 10 years in marketing and business development for media companies, start-ups and advertising agencies. What would you like to achieve next?

Business Breakthrough Session


Let's take two hours for your next breakthrough: We'll smooth out what you want to bring into the world next and how you can do it concretely to achieve your goals.

  • one-off 2-hour 1:1 coaching/mini-workshop via Zoom
  • e.g. about your idea, vision, your product(s), your marketing, the digitalization of your offer (so that you become less dependent on your working hours), your communication or your target group
  • together we will find ideas and solutions for your current topic/goal and determine concrete action steps
  • you receive comprehensive, empathetic expert support and a new perspective on your work
  • you leave the meeting much clearer, motivated, with fresh ideas and concrete action steps
Get your Breakthrough

Find your way back to yourself - and therefore to your horse.

Your first step? Get content that will help you on your way. Subscribe to my free newsletter.

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